
The Teaching Support Service of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Mostar deals with the organisation of classes in Mostar and in dislocated centres in Orašje and Brčko. It maintains records of the classes that are held and calculates the teaching workload of full-time employees and part-time associates. It processes data from the classes held for the purposes of Faculty self-evaluation or other documents, edits the Study Programme Guide, the Student Handbook and participates in the work of the Quality Assurance Office and in the Quality Assurance and Improvement Board.


Organisation of classes 


Before the start of every semester, the lecture timetable for all compulsory courses is set, with the timetable for elective courses being finalised during the second week of semester. The timetable is publicised on the notice board and on the Faculty’s web page. The Teaching Support Service organises the timetable for lectures and exams in the dislocated centres and publishes notifications for students in dislocated centres on the Faculty’s web page on a daily basis.



The maintenance of class records


The Teaching Support Service collects, records and archives weekly attendance sheets. At the end of the semester, the professors deliver class execution reports for every course individually. The total class execution report of the Faculty, based on submitted attendance sheets and reports, is finalised at the end of semester and is subsequently adopted by the Faculty Council. Special attention is paid to the class execution reports of part-time associates and to the collecting of data, which is submitted to the Accounting Department so that fees can be paid according to the number of executed classes. Pursuant to the Faculty Council’s decision, the attendance sheets are kept for one year and the class execution reports are stored for four years.


Standard teaching workload and teaching workload


At the beginning of every semester the Teaching Support Service creates a table of teaching workloads in which all the relevant data are entered: teaching staff, the conducted courses and the timetable of all types of classes. The following data are entered into the table: the teaching workload of every single employee, the teaching workload according to study programmes and the total teaching workload at Faculty level. Information on workload according to the type of classes and according to the teaching cycle can also be found. Such information is delivered to the Rector’s Office of the University of Mostar, as well as to the other administrative services of the Faculty for the purposes of contracts and wage calculations or part-time associates’ fees, etc.


Preparation and editing of the Study Programme Guide and the Student Handbook


The materials for the Study Programme Guide are prepared at the beginning of every academic year. The heads of departments and the secretaries of departments provide curricula which are then compiled into a single document. Besides the study programme curriculum, the Study Programme Guide also contains other relevant information about the Faculty, its structure, organisation, the competences of certain study programmes, the list of common, compulsory and elective courses, the list of employees, etc. The Student Handbook  is prepared before the beginning of the University Open Days in order to inform and prepare future students for enrolment at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Student Handbook contains basic information about the entrance exam, enrolment, as well as samples of entrance exams. The Student Handbook is sent by email to all interested parties.


Documentation of teaching plans and study programmes


The Teaching Support Service stores samples of all study programmes in electronic form which were revised or changed after every academic year. The most recent study programmes stored are from the 2014/2015 academic year. These programmes were completely revised, edited, proofread, and adopted by the Faculty Council and by the University Senate and subsequently printed and bound. They can be found in the Faculty’s library so they are always available to all students and professors. The Teaching Support Service greatly contributed to the editing and all electronic samples were stored by this service.


Participation in the work of the Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


The Teaching Support Service participates in the work of the Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences as the Quality Assurance and Improvement Board and it is in charge of all the issues concerning data processing from the field of teaching. During the 2014/15 academic year, the most important task for this Office was preparing documentation for University accreditation, which was successfully conducted in March 2015. Apart from that, this service also prepared other reports for the Rector’s Office of the University of Mostar, which are related to the teaching process, participation in Office meetings and so on. 



Teaching Support Service leader: Marijana Glavina, M.A in journalism

Contact: 036/355-409

Contact for lecture timetable: 036/355-506