Najava znanstveno-stručne konferencije europskog udruženja klasičnih filologa Euroclassica
Na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Mostaru održat će se treća sesija znanstveno-stručne konferencije europskog udruženja klasičnih filologa Euroclassica u subotu, 28. kolovoza 2021. u amfiteatru Sokrat. Organizatori su ove godine izabrali Split za svoga domaćina i Mostar za izlet i održavanje treće sesije znanstveno-stručne konferencije.
Cijeli raspored može se pogledati na engleskom jeziku.
Friday, August 27
8.00-9.00 Registration (location: V. gimnazija “Vladimir Nazor”, Zagrebačka 2, Split)
9.00-9.30 Opening and welcome speeches
9.30-11.00 Conference: session 1
• Bratislav Lučin, Petronius in Dalmatia: Codex Traguriensis (Paris. lat. 7989) and Croatian Humanists
• Jasna Jeličić Radonić, Revealing the Ancient City of Pharos
• Ivanka Kamenjarin, Hellenistic Siculi
• Christian Laes, Another Effort to Save Latin as the Means of International Communication: Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) and his Somnium Transalpinum
• Discussion
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.00 Conference: session 2
• Lidewij van Gils, Jeroen Vis, Shared Antiquity in the Netherlands
• Eugenia Manolidou, Teaching Ancient Greek to Preschoolers and Primary Education Students: from Theory to Praxis
• José Luis Navarro, Christian Laes, Presentation of the Euroclassica book
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Sightseeing tour (city, Diocletian's Palace, museum)
17.30-19.30 General Assembly (location: V. gimnazija “Vladimir Nazor”, Zagrebačka 2, Split)
20.00 Dinner (optional, location: tba)
Saturday, August 28 (Mostar)
7.00 Departure from Split to Mostar by bus (meeting point: tba)
10.30-11.15 Welcome speeches (location: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Matice hrvatske b.b., Mostar)
11.15-12.45 Conference (session 3)
• Luciana Boban, The Department of Latin language and Roman literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Mostar
• Ivan Nujić, Franciscan Classical Grammar School in Visoko, Teaching Classical Languages in BiH Today
• Jelena Jurčić, The Latinity of Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Jadranka Bagarić, On the 1000th anniversary of the Diocese of Trebinje-Mrkanj - A Latin elegy by the bishop Anselmo Katić
• Discussion
13.00-15.00 Lunch (location: restaurant Dompes near the Franciscan monastery, Franjevačka 1)
15.00-16.30 Visit to the Franciscan monastery, church and library
16.30-18.00 Old Town walking tour
18.00-18.30 Free time in the Old Town
18.30-20.30 Dinner (location: restaurant Urban in the Old Town, Mala Tepa bb)
ca 20.30 Departure from Mostar to Split by bus
Sunday, August 29 (Hvar)
8.30-19.30 Excursion to the island of Hvar (optional, meeting point: tba)