
Filozofski fakultet SUM-a odustaje od organizacije ljetne škole Methodology of Political Science: New Issues and Trends

Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru odustaje od organizacije ljetne škole Methodology of Political Science: New Issues and Trends. Količina upućenih prijetnji smrću i uništenjem Fakulteta, govora mržnje i kontaminiranost javnoga prostora ovaj su događaj istisnula iz akademske sfere te od njega stvorila ne samo politički, već i sigurnosni problem.

Ovim činom želimo zaštiti sve profesore koji su trebali sudjelovati na ljetnoj školi, potencijalne studente koji su imali namjeru doći u Mostar, ali spriječiti negativan publicitet koji je nametnut kako Filozofskom fakultetu tako i IPSA-i.

Zahvaljujemo se na iznimno profesionalnom i partnerskom odnosu profesorima s kojima smo surađivali prilikom organizacije ljetne škole, a napose profesorima iz IPSA-e koji su nam iskazali veliku čast i povjerenje izabravši Mostar i Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru za svoga partnera.

Imajući u vidu da je plakat ljetne škole izazvao gomilu dezinformacija, pogrešnih interpretacija, te vrlo zlonamjernih komentara, još jedanput skrećemo pozornost da se radi o plakatu generiranom od strane umjetne inteligencije kojeg smo preuzeli s, o čemu se svatko može osobno uvjeriti.

Da cijela priča bude još grotesknija upravo je u samom nazivu izvornoga predloška istaknuta „Koski Mehmed-pašina džamija“. Dakle, od svih mogućih vjerskih znamenitosti u gradu Mostaru na plakatu je istaknut upravo minaret. Toliko o isključivosti, nesnošljivosti i islamofobičnosti.

Promicatelji mržnje koji su ovu hajku i pokrenuli dodatno su potaknuli atmosferu straha, nepovjerenja i netrpeljivosti među građanima, a gradu Mostaru i državi u koju se toliko kunu, preventivno „izbili“ jedan, po svakom segmentu, hvalevrijedan i akademski izvrstan globalni događaj.  

Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru će bez obzira na sve nastaviti svoju misiju internacionalizacije obrazovanja, promicanja međukulturnoga dijaloga i suživota, te podizanja kvalitete znanosti i visokoga obrazovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini.


Tekst na engleskom jeziku. 

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Mostar is canceling the organization of the summer school Methodology of Political Science: New Issues and Trends. The amount of death threats and destruction of the Faculty, hate speech and the contamination of public space pushed this event out of the academic sphere and created not only a political, but also a security problem out of it.

With this act, we want to protect all the professors who were supposed to participate in the summer school, potential students who had the intention of coming to Mostar, but also prevent negative publicity that was imposed on both the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and IPSA.

We would like to thank the professors with whom we collaborated during the organization of the summer school for the extremely professional and partnership relationship. We are most grateful for all the IPSA professors who showed us great honor and trust by choosing Mostar and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Mostar as their partner.

Bearing in mind that the summer school poster caused a lot of misinformation, misinterpretations, and very malicious comments, we once again draw attention to the fact that it is an artificial intelligence generated poster that we downloaded from, which everyone can see for themselves

To make the whole story even more grotesque, "Koski Mehmed Pasha's Mosque" was highlighted in the very name of the original template. So, of all possible religious landmarks in the city of Mostar, the minaret is highlighted on the poster. So much for exclusivity, intolerance and Islamophobia.

The promoters of hatred who started this chase further incited an atmosphere of fear, mistrust and intolerance among the citizens. They preventively "broke out" from the city of Mostar and the country, they swear by so much one, in every segment, commendable and academically excellent global event.

Regardless of everything, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Mostar will continue its mission of internationalizing education, promoting intercultural dialogue and coexistence, and raising the quality of science and higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.