
Mythology Results (15/2/2019)

The following students have passed the course:

Adzija, Lea

Banozic, Antonio

Bencun, Ivona

Bilic Eric, Marina

Brekalo, Ivan

Cecura, Andrea

Cuturic, Jelena

Halilovic, Dzenita

Jelavic, Mate

Kevilj, Danijela

Kozaric, Andelko

Maric, Katarina

Milicevic, Ivana

Novakovic, Marko

Pavlovic, Anastasija

Peric, Marin

Ruza, Martina

Salinovic, Paula.

Students can see their grades in the ISS and have their grade entered into their student books during office hours (Mondays and Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m). B. Beric, doc.

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