
English Literature Exam Results - Core Courses (2/9/2020)

The following students have achieved a passing grade for their respective courses:

English Literature from Beowulf to Neoclassicism

  • Cavara, Ivana. Conditional Pass
  • Coric, Martina
  • Culjak, Antonela.  Conditional Pass
  • Ilicic, Mihaela
  • Kresic, Mia. Conditional Pass
  • Krivic, Helena
  • Raspudic, Dragica
  • Rozic, Petar

English Literature from Romanticism to the Present

  • Krizanac, Finka
  • Mioc, Mara
  • Raspudic, Mia. Conditional Pass.
  • Rimac, Matea. Conditional Pass.

Oral exams for the Conditional Passes will be held on Wednesday, 9/9/2020 via the usual  Google Meet link at the following times:

  • English Literature from Beowulf...  at 2 p.m.
  • English Literature from Romanticisim... at 2.30 p.m.

All students can see their exams during office hours (Mondays and Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m.) via Google Meet. I will post sign-up sheets on SUMARUM so that consultations flow smoothly. 

A. Raguz, assistant professor


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