
Rezultati ispita

Pismeni dio ispita iz kolegija Suvremeni engleski jezik V održanog 9. 9. 2020. položili su: Ćavar, MiškoTokić, Josipa Pismeni dio ispita iz kolegija Suvremeni engleski jezik VI održanog 9. 9. 2020. položile su: Banožić, MarijaRajič,...
The following students have passed the written part of  Introduction to Prose Fiction exam (4/9/2020 ):  Ivančević, MarijaThe following students have passed the written part of the  Introduction to Poetry and Drama exam (4/9/2020 ):...
Pismeni ispit iz kolegija Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 koji je održan 3. rujna su položili:Rebeka StrinićSeverino Marić Usmeni ispit će biti u ponedjeljak 14. rujna u 9h na platformi Google Meet.   Pismeni ispit iz...
The following students have attained a passing grade for the course:Dodig, EvaMaric, SeverinoTomic, SandraThe grades have been entered into the ISS. Students can see their exams during regular office hours (Mondays and Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m.) or contact...
The following students have achieved a passing grade for their respective courses:English Literature from Beowulf to NeoclassicismCavara, Ivana. Conditional PassCoric, MartinaCuljak, Antonela.  Conditional PassIlicic, MihaelaKresic, Mia....
Ispit iz kolegija Engleski u internetskoj komunikaciji održan 25. 8. 2020. položila je Danielov, Jelena.doc. dr. sc. Lidija Mustapić/ Dijana Jurčić, asist.


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