
Rezultati ispita

Položili su:Alilović IvanaĆavara IvanaKozarić AnđelkoZavršne ocjene upisane su u ISS.Radovi se mogu vidjeti u vrijeme konzultacija (utorak, 14-15).Doc. dr. sc. Lidija Mustapić
Pismeni ispit kolegija Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 nitko nije položio. Pismeni ispit kolegija Suvremeni engleski jezik 2 su položili:Bebek Katarina Jarak AnaBaković Anamarija - uvjetnoUsmeni ispit će biti u srijedu 20. rujna u 10h. ...
None of the students have passed their Introduction to Prose Text Analysis exam (8/9/ 2023).The following students have passed their Introduction to Poetry and Drama exam (8/9/2023):Vukosav, StelaBušić, Ivan - conditional passThe following students...
The students listed below have passed their respective exams. Oral exams for the conditional passes will be held on Tuesday, 19/09/2023 at 2 p.m.English Literature from Beowulf to NeoclassicismMalić, KristijanNosić, Ana. Conditional PassEnglish...
None of the students have passed their Introduction to Prose Text Analysis exam (8/9/ 2023).The following students have passed their Introduction to Poetry and Drama exam (8/9/2023):Vukosav, StelaBušić, Ivan -  conditional passThe following...
Rezultati ispita prvog jesenskog roka kod prof. dr. sc I. Dankić Sljedeći studenti su bili uspješni:UVOD U LINGVISTIČKI STUDIJ Luka Đurić, Marijan Vukojević, Na usmenu provjeru se pozivaju i sljedeći studenti (C) - Senjak, Jarak,...


Studijske grupe