Literature Results - 27/4/2018
The following students have passed their respective exams and have attained a passing grade on their courses:
The Fairy Tale: Then and Now
Ančić, Iva
Ezgeta, Marija
Stanić, Ivana
English Literature from Beowulf to Neoclassicism
Filipović, Ivana
Perić, Monika
Prović, Ana
Živković, Katarina
English Literature from Romanticism to Today
Gašpar, Klementina
Hrstić, Manuela
Students can have their grades entered on Thursday, 3/5/2018 from 3.00-4.00 p.m. or during office hours from the following week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m.) A. Raguž, docent