Literature Exam Results (23/2/2022)

The following students have passed their exams and achieved a passing grade on their respective courses:

English Literature from Beowulf to Neoclassicism

Pejičić, Marijana. Conditional Pass

English Literature from Romanticism to Today

No one passed.


Husković, Elma

Popular Fiction

Pranjković-Kovač, Kristina. Conditional Pass

The Nature of the Bildungsroman

Anđelić, Damir.

Oral exams for the conditional passes on Monday 28/2/2022 at 2 p.m.

The final grades have been entered in the ISS.

Students are urged to see their exams during office hours (next week on Monday 2-3 p.m.) Anđelka Raguž, asst. prof.

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